

Event Kotakgame Berhadiah

Teman - teman ada yang suka bermain game & mengikuti perkembangan berita game? nah ada berita bagus nih, buat para gamer. Kotakgame sebuah web yang menyediakan segala informasi soal console & software game serta review, preview, tips & trik serta forum video game mengadakan Event Berhadiah. Hadiahnya 1 unit PS 3, 1 unit Xbox360, 2 unit NDS dan 2 unit PSP.

Nih dia nih cuplikan informasi yang saya ambil dari

KotakGame Banjir Hadiah! (10 November 2008 - 10 Januari 2009)
oleh: EstuPW, 05 November 2008

Yo KotakGamer!

Senang sekali rasanya karena KotakGame bisa hadir ditengah-tengah kalian dan menyediakan berbagai informasi tentang dunia game yang kalian butuhkan. Nah, untuk berbagi kegembiraan atas peluncuran situs ini, kita akan membuat sebuah even yang berlangsung dari tanggal
10 November 2008 sampai tanggal 10 Januari 2009. Di even ini kita akan bagi-bagi berbagai hadiah keren yang pastinya bakalan bikin kamu tambah senang bermain game.

Pada enggak sabar kan pengen tahu kayak apa even kami? Nah, begini ceritanya! Kalau kalian ingin ikutan even ini, kalian terlebih dahulu harus mendaftar menjadi anggota KotakGame di sini (pendaftaran dibuka tanggal 10 November 2008 jam 12 siang). Setelah login ke situs KotakGame, kalian bisa mengikuti berbagai even berikut ini:

Kontributor Berita Terbaik

Hadiah: 1 buah PlayStation 3

Cara mengikuti dan ketentuan:

  • Berkontribusi menulis berbagai berita yang berkaitan dengan dunia game
  • Berita harus aktual dan dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya.
  • Berita terdiri dari minimal 200 kata.
  • Dilarang memberikan berita yang berupa jiplakan atau hasil copy dan paste, terutama dari situs berita lain yang berbahasa Indonesia.
  • Diperkenankan untuk menyadur berita dari situs berita lokal maupun internasional. Jika berita merupakan hasil saduran, sertakan sumber berita aslinya.
  • Dilarang untuk memakai berita yang sudah pernah diposting di forum KotakGame (pilih salah satu forum atau berita)
  • Sertakan minimal 1 gambar ilustrasi berita terkait dengan ukuran 500 x 375 pixel dengan format .jpg. Dalam gambar tersebut tidak boleh ada watermark dari situs game/berita lain.
  • Gambar harus terpisah dari artikel tidak menyatu dalam file word
  • Jika ada kontribusi yang sama dari dua orang yang berbeda (atau lebih), yang dianggap sah adalah artikel yang pertama kali diterima redaksi.
  • Kirimkan ke,
    dengan subyek email : [kontributor berita].
    Contoh: [kontributor berita] Peluncuran Grand Theft Auto IV Ditunda.

Member yang paling banyak menyerahkan artikel berita berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa sebuah PlayStation 3.

Kontributor Gamebox Terbaik

Hadiah: 1 buah Xbox 360.

Cara mengikuti dan ketentuan:

  • Berkontribusi membuat gamebox (contoh: bisa kamu lihat di sini)
  • Yang harus dicantumkan dalam gamebox adalah, deskripsi singkat tentang game tersebut dan fitur unggulannya.
  • Cantumkan keterangan publisher, developer, tanggal rilis, ESRB rating, genre dan jenis konsol untuk game terkait.
  • Sertakan minimal 5 gambar screenshot game tersebut dengan ukuran 800 x 600 pixel dan format jpg. Dalam screenshot tersebut tidak boleh ada watermark dari situs game lain.
  • Sertakan minimal 1 gambar cover game tersebut dengan ukuran 600 pixel format jpg.
  • Jika ada kontribusi yang sama dari dua orang yang berbeda (atau lebih), yang dianggap sah adalah artikel yang pertama kali diterima redaksi.
  • Kirimkan ke,
    dengan subyek email : [kontributor gamebox].
    Contoh: [kontributor gamebox] Grand Theft Auto IV.

Member yang paling banyak menyerahkan kontribusi gamebox berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa sebuah Xbox 360.

Komentator Situs KotakGame

Hadiah: 2 buah Nintendo DS

Cara mengikuti dan ketentuan:

  • Jangan sampai ketinggalan informasi! Rajin-rajin baca semua artikel yang ada di situs KotakGame dan tuliskan pendapat atau komentar kalian ya!
  • Jangan asal sembarang komentar ya! One liner dan komentar sama yang dimasukkan berulang kali di berbagai artikel tidak akan dihitung oleh juri.


  • Member yang paling banyak menuliskan komentarnya di situs KotakGame berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa sebuah Nintendo DS.
  • Member dengan jumlah komentar di atas 200 berhak mengikuti undian untuk memperebutkan sebuah Nintendo DS.

Posting Forum KotakGame

Hadiah: 2 buah PSP

Cara mengikuti dan ketentuan:

  • Ayo berperan aktif dalam diskusi di forum KotakGame.
  • Jangan asal sembarang posting ya! One liner dan post sama yang dimasukkan berulang kali di berbagai thread tidak akan dihitung oleh juri.


  • Member yang paling banyak posting di forum KotakGame berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa sebuah PSP.
  • Member dengan jumlah posting di atas 200 berhak mengikuti undian untuk memperebutkan sebuah PSP.
Bagi yang belum berhasil mendapatkan berbagai hadiah utama, kami juga menyediakan hadiah hiburan yang enggak kalah keren berupa 50 kaos KotakGame dan 100 gantungan kunci KotakGame. Jadi enggak usah takut enggak kebagian hadiah ya!

Ketentuan umum:

  • Setiap peserta even ini harus terdaftar sebagai member KotakGame.
  • Setiap peserta wajib memiliki avatar. Avatar bisa kalian masukkan via forum KotakGame. (Gambar bebas, boleh pakai gambar dari game, animasi atau foto sendiri)
  • Even ini bisa diikuti oleh para pembaca KotakGame di seluruh Indonesia, tetapi tertutup bagi pembaca KotakGame yang berada di luar Indonesia.
  • Setiap peserta hanya berhak mendapatkan satu hadiah.
  • Tidak diperkenankan membuat Id / Nick ganda untuk mengikuti even ini.
  • Harus menggunakan alamat lengkap, nomor telepon dan email yang valid saat mendaftar menjadi member KotakGame, karena pemenang even akan dihubungi dengan data tersebut.
  • Panitia berhak mengedit, mengganti, menambah ataupun mengurangi kontribusi yang diterima.
  • Pengambilan hadiah bisa dilakukan dengan memperlihatkan tanda pengenal yang berlaku. Contoh: Kartu Tanda Penduduk.
  • Keputusan panitia dan dewan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
  • Even ini tidak boleh diikuti oleh karyawan PT. Citra Potinara Maju dan afiliasinya.
  • Bila sampai terjadi pelanggaran terhadap salah satu peraturan yang berlaku, panitia berhak untuk membatalkan kemenangan atau menghapus seluruh post dan komentar yang bersangkutan.
  • Semua konten yang sudah masuk ke KotakGame menjadi hak milik KotakGame sepenuhnya.
  • Seluruh peraturan dan isi even ini bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pengumuman terlebih dahulu

Pertanyaan seputar even ini bisa diajukan via email ke

Sumber :


Lomba Desain Logo PT POS Indonesia

Lomba Desain Logo PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
17 November 2008

Persyaratan Peserta
- Terbuka untuk umum, WNI, perorangan maupun kelompok, kecuali panitia, dewan juri dan keluarganya.
- Tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran
- Peserta melampirkan identitas diri (fotokopi KTP)
- Peserta wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan keaslian ide (bisa didownload di

Kriteria Logo
- Logoberupa logogramdanlogotype(gabungan keduanya)
- Logo adalah karya asli, bukan jiplakan atau contekan
- Logo harus mencantumkantext POS INDONESIA
- Logo harus dapat mengkomunikasikanmisi dari PT POS INDONESIA
- Penampilan logo sederhana, mudah diingat & diterapkan pada berbagai kemungkinan teknik dan media, baik 2 dimensi
maupun 3 dimensi
- Logo belum pernah dipublikasikan / disayembarakan
- Semua karya yang dikirimkan menjadi milik panitia
- Dewan Juri dan PT POS INDONESIA berhak melakukan perubahan desain bila diperlukan dan pemenang wajib melakukan
revisi perubahan

Jadwal Penerimaan dan Penjurian
- Batas akhir penerimaan logo adalah tanggal 10 Desember 2008
- Penjurian Tahap 1 dilakukan tanggal 15 - 17 Desember 2008
- Penjurian Tahap 2 dilakukan tanggal 19 - 20 Desember 2008
- Panitia & Dewan juri tidak melayani surat menyurat pada lomba ini.
- Keputusan juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat
- Semua karya menjadi hak milik PT POS INDONESIA

Dewan Juri
1. Dr. I Ketut Mardjana (Wakil Dirut PT Pos Indonesia)
2. Narga Habib (Brand Consultant / Praktisi Periklanan )
3. Hakim Lubis (Creative Director / Praktisi Periklanan )
4. Drs. Indarsjah Tirtawidjaja (Dosen & Anggota Kelompok Keahlian
KOMUNIKASI VISUAL dan MULTIMEDIA (KVMM) FSRD ITB, Dekan Fakultas Komunikasi Visual (FDKV) Universitas Widyatama)
5. Dr. Priyanto Sunarto (Pengajar DKV ITB)

Ketentuan Teknis
- Peserta dapat mengirimkan maksimal 2 alternatiflogo
- Logo harus memiliki warna korporat PT. POS INDONESIA
- Identitas peserta ( Nama, Alamat, Pekerjaan, No telpon ) ditempel di kanan bawah belakang karya.
- Konsep diketik di kertas A3, 1,5 spasi dan ditempel di bagian belakang desain logo utuh.
- Menyertakan CD file desain logo dalam format CMYK :
* Folder Logo Asli : Corel Draw / Freehand / Illustrator
* Folder Presentasi : JPEG 300 dpi ( high quality )
* Folder Konsep Logo : Ms Word
- Lampirkan surat pernyataan yang berisi keterangan orisinalitas logo yang ditandatangani di atas meterai Rp.6000,
- Semua dokumen dimasukan ke amplop coklat tertutup tidak boleh dilipat, dikirimkan ke :

-Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, peserta dapat mendownload informasi di :

Penentuan Penilaian
- Orisinalitas karya
- Relevansi logo dengan misi PT POS INDONESIA
- Unsur estetika
- Pengaplikasian logo pada berbagai media


Grand Livina

- Satu (1) pemenang Utama berhak mendapat hadiah berupa :
� 1 (satu) unit Grand Livina + Piagam Penghargaan


- Empat (4) pemenang Hiburan berhak mendapat hadiah masing-masing berupa :
� 1 (satu) unit macbook + Piagam Penghargaan

- Pajak, transportasi dan akomodasi ditanggung pemenang.

Pengumuman pemenang akan dipublikasikan pada surat kabar Kompas, 27 Desember 2008 dan

Sumber :


Indonesia Web TV Streaming

Teman - teman sudah Baca postingan saya soal cantube( youtube buatan Indonesia) & kamus.cantube ( kamus online multi bahasa) ? Nah sekarang ada yang baru lagi nih dari cantube, namanya tv.cantube yaitu web streaming online live siaran TV Indonesia. Jadi disitu kita bisa nonton siaran TV seperti RCTI, SCTV, TVRI dll secara langsung lewat media streaming. Bagi teman - teman yang udah ada TV / TV tuner mungkin nda begitu tertarik, tp kalau kebetulan lagi di warnet & pengen nonton tv, fitur ini bisa jadi pilihan.
selamat mencoba^^

Credits : cyberdream


Antivirus Lokal

Beberapa hari terakhir ini,tiap kali ke warnet pasti flashdisk saya kena virus Zulanick sama satu virus lagi(lupa namanya) yang merubah folder jadi .exe. 2 virus ini sifatnya mirip, zulanick bikin folder & file jadi exe tp folder bisa dibuka seperti biasa, sedang virus yang satunya menduplikat folder & menjadikannya berformat .exe lalu menyembunyikan folder/ file yang asli & hasilnya file bener- bener ga bisa dibuka. Nah repotnya lagi pemilik warnet tidak pernah mengupdate antivirus di warnetnya , alhasil saya kelimpungan mau benerin flasdisk saya yang kena virus. niatnya mau update blog malah jadi sibuk ngurusin virus. Setelah ngubek ubek google akhirnya saya menemukan beberapa antivirus lokal yang cukup membantu yaitu ansav & smadA 3.6.
entah ini update an terbaru ato lama yang penting efektif deh.
Untuk mendownload antivirus" tersebut silakan klik link dibawah :



Semoga bermanfaat :)


Cari tambahan uang jajan dengan "Usercash"

Teman-teman suka ngeblog atau punya website yang sering di update & banyak pengunjung? atau suka cari duit lewat internet? saya nemu info menarik ni soal cari duit jajan tambahan dari internet namanya "usercash". tidak seperti PPC atau bisnis affiliate, usercash ini hanya merupakan redirect program yang berfungsi sebagai "nama alias" blog / web kita.

seperti ini contohnya :
adalah link blog saya

sedangkan adalah link usercash/nama alias yang redirect ke alamat blog saya tersebut.

agar lebih menarik kita bisa menggabungkan link usercash kita dengan gambar / banner dari blog / web kita.

Cara dapet duitnya gimana? Jadi tiap ada yang berkunjung ke web kita melalui link usercash kita kita akan dibayar dengan rincian :

kita akan dibayar 1 $ tiap 3999 klik landing page dan 1 $ tiap 9999 klik untuk frame. minimal payout yang akan dibayarkan adalah 5 $. dan dapat dibayarkan melalui paypal , e-gold, liberty reserve dan Epassporte.

jadi semakin banyak pengunjung di blog kita otomatis semakin cepat blog/ web kita menghasilkan.

Untuk Cara pendaftaran Usercash nya seperti ini :

1. buka web usercash atau klik disini
2. setelah daftar/register kemudian silahkan login ke accout anda, lalu pilih "create links"
3. pada tulisan "old Link" masukan url blog/ website anda, contohnya lalu klik "Create link" dan anda akan mendapatkan link usercash anda yang bisa anda gunakan sebagai direct link ke blog/ web anda.
Sekedar tips, gunakan banner / gambar logo blog/ web anda sebagai link agar lebih menarik.

4. pada "this link" ada 3 pilihan, yaitu 100 % clean ( untuk yang bebas dari pornografi), contain nudity dan contain adult.
5. yang terakhir ada 2 pilihan yaitu top frame yg menghasilkan 1 $/ 9999 view dan landing page yang menghasilkan 1$/3999 view.

Untuk mengubah profil anda / sistem pembayarannya silakan klik "personal profile"

Mudah kan? makanya rajin" update blog/web anda dengan info" terbaru untuk menarik banyak pengunjung.
selamat mencoba ^^


Cantube, Youtube bikinan anak bangsa

Buat teman-teman yang suka liat/download video dari Youtube, ada kabar baru nih. Sekarang kita juga punya youtube bikinan anak bangsa sendiri, namanya "Cantube" yang bisa teman-teman coba di
Di cantube kita bisa menonton video langsung atau mendownload video dengan kualitas bagus(mp4) atau kualitas biasa (flv).
Cantube ini dibuat oleh teman-teman dari STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
Selamat Mencoba^^

Credits : Cyberdream dkk


Kamus Online multi bahasa

Buat teman-teman yang mau bikin tugas bahasa asing tapi ga punya kamus atau pengen terjemahin artikel asing ke bahasa Indonesia ataupun sebaliknya, bisa cobain pakai kamus online di
Kamus bikinan teman-teman STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta ini bisa menterjemahkan bahasa per kata ataupun per kalimat & tersedia berbagai macam bahasa sehingga cukup membantu kita.
Selamat mencoba^^

Credits : Cyberdream dkk


The Best Digital Camera's -How To Find Them

by: Steven Harrison

It seems that every month, if not every week, different manufacturers are coming up with the latest digital cameras to tempt potential clients. How can we keep up with them all?

After spending a lot of time reading and researching we finally make a decision and head off to the mall for that eye-popping, 7 mega pixel, 10x digital zoom, candy colored, 512MB expandable memory high tech prize.

Credit card in hand and half way into the mall we pass by a new display - an eight mega pixel, up to 1G expandable memory, with built it mic and stereo surround, video playback capable, with 22 scenic modes kind-of-camera . And we sigh because the producer of this amazing gadget claims that this is the best digital camera yet out in the market. So now we hesitate we want the "Best Digital Camera" right?

Of course we do so we spend a little more than we planned and return home happy and excited.

The trouble is our happiness doesn't last very long, after two months or so, there's another "best digital camera."

What you have to remember is that there will always be another "best digital camera"

Just around the corner so in making your decision on which digital camera to buy

there are certain factors to consider when looking for the "best digital camera" .

MEGAPIXELS . One of the most important features of digital camera to make it into the best digital camera category is its mega pixel property. The higher the mega pixels the better the actual photograph will come out. A mega pixel is equivalent to one million pixels. The resolution of your image is based upon the mega pixel property of your camera. This means that as you enlarge the photograph, you would get more detail and less blurry colors.

LCD SIZE. The best digital camera will always have a large LCD to help you frame your subject without having to squint through the viewfinder. This is also helpful when reviewing your images, some cameras enable touch up and editing features with its LCD. A 1.5-inch display is average, a 2-inch LCD display is good, but the best LCD size would be 2.5 inches or higher.

ZOOM. Most digital cameras have both digital and optical zoom. A higher optical zoom is always better than a higher digital zoom. Digital cameras are usually furnished with optical of between 3x to 10x . The better the optical zoom, the higher it climbs up to the best digital camera category.

MEMORY CARD. Always make sure that your memory card is the right one for your digital camera. There are different types of memory card like the xD, SD and Compact Flash . These types of memory cards go with certain types of digital cameras. of course memory storage is also up there in choosing the best digital cameras. Choose the size of memory that you need, if you're a photo junkie, you might need more than 32MB . The early Memory cards were in the MB range but these days you can get cards in the Gigabyte range.

The key point to find the best digital camera is to find one that will best fit you and your lifestyle. Don't just buy the latest or the one that claims they are the best digital cameras out in the market. You wouldn't want to buy a DSLR and use it with your home activities or family outing and have to lug it around.

By the same rule you don't want to buy the latest point and shoot camera when you're serious about being a professional photographer. (Of course, you can use this for starters, but if you're not a novice photographer anymore, you wouldn't want to get this kind of camera.)

Actually, the best digital camera is the one that you will enjoy and use. Not the one that you will end up leaving in its box stuck in a draw somewhere.

Just remember the more features a camera has the more complicated it can become and therefore the more likely it is to stay in it's box instead of being used. So the best digital camera to buy is the one you can afford and will feel comfortable using for all your photography.

The author, Steve Harrison, has been writing articles for some time now and grants permission to use this article so long as it is kept in it's original form and the Authors resource is included . If you would like more information on Digital Cameras or Digital Photography please visit


Mobile Phone Buyers Guide

by: Paul Smith
Guide to buying a mobile phone

If you already have a mobile phone, you can switch to a different network and take your phone number with you, although you may need a different handset. You could get a connection with a new number, using your existing handset.


When you buy a phone you need to choose a network - O2, Vodafone, Orange and T-mobile are mobile phone networks. Each network is a collection of radio towers all over the country, linked together and transmitting people's conversations.

A mobile phone service usually comes as a package, made up of the phone itself and access to a network. There are five main mobile phone networks in the UK - O2, T-Mobile, Orange, Vodafone and most recently '3' with its growing third generation network which can support mobile video. Other operators such as Virgin and BT Mobile use the 5 main networks and there are many airtime resellers dealing with one or all the networks. They offer two ways of using their services; by "pay as you go" or by monthly line rental. If you do not intend to make a great number of calls from a mobile phone, a pay as you go package may suffice but any reasonably regular use (especially during business hours) probably warrants a monthly package - which package will depend on the volume of calls you anticipate making.

You don't need to put pen to paper for most mobile phone contracts nowadays, but they are still legally binding. Contracts can be 'signed' over a website or over the phone.

The network should be the first thing you choose when you're starting out. Your choice of network will decide where you get good coverage, and how good the customer service is. Some networks have better coverage in particular areas than others, but customer service varies from day to day, depending on demand.

Price plans

Next, decide whether you want a pay as you go phone or a traditional contract arrangement.

Pre-pay, where you pay (usually by buying vouchers) before you make calls. There is no risk of a high bill, but sometimes this is an expensive option, adding vouchers can be inconvenient and you may run out of credit during an important call.

Pay as you go packages are useful if you only expect to use your mobile occasionally, and are cost effective if you expect to receive a lot of calls, but not to make many. But you should be aware that some companies set an expiry date on their credits, meaning that the credit must be used in the time allocated.

Contract - where you get a bill each month, but the call charges are usually lower, and there are more facilities offered.

With rental you pay a monthly fee in the same way as you would for a land line. Many monthly rental packages include some inclusive call minutes or talktime

Monthly line rental costs from around £6, with a wide range of call-plans available. Look at several to work out which is best for you, and to ensure you spend the least amount of money relative to the use you expect to make of the service. Spending more on your monthly call-plan will result in more inclusive minutes, and calls made with inclusive minutes tend to be cheaper then calls made outside of the call-plan Generally, paying higher line rental gets you cheaper call charges

Before you commit yourself, check whether you can change contracts later as your usage and circumstances may change.

When you buy a phone, it is subsidised by the network or service provider, the higher your monthly fees the cheaper the phone will be. A mobile phone can be included 'free' when bought as part of a subsidised package, but without the subsidy even a basic model would cost at least £70, and you could pay £300 or more for the latest models with WAP access, GPRS and Bluetooth or other mobile data features. Expect to pay more for the handset with a pay as you go package because you are also getting a line but without a monthly rental charge and minimum contract.

Choosing the handset

There are lots of different phones to choose between. Read the Handsets section before deciding.

Once you have seen all the information here, and decided what you want, find a good mobile phone shop offers excellent value, superb service, and provided you with this information!

See the web site for information about the wide range of phones available.

Some users are far more interested in gadgets than others, as a general rule you should get a phone with as many feature as you think you will need. If you think you need lots of features then there are plenty of mobile phones to suit you.

You should also be careful before opting for some of the pay-as-you go deals. Some use phones that skimp on features for the sake of cost cutting.

Look for a phone with good battery life, the phone should get you easily through a full day or weekend of normal use.

The most important thing is to choose a good mobile phone shop, can provide you with some good deals, check out the site for more information.....


4 Reasons To Buy a Bluetooth Headset

by: Waldo Dingman

Bluetooth headsets are a very well known brand of headset. They are known for many reasons for making some of the best headsets that you can buy. The Bluetooth brand of headset is the brand that is usually bought and used by many call centers across the country. Because many people know of this excellent brand, and use it profusely, that should say something about it right there.

1.Affordable The Bluetooth headset is affordable. This is great because not everyone has a lot of money to invest in a headset. Because it is so affordable, they often sell more than an expensive brand would, giving more people the chance to try this brand.

2. Quality Quality is a huge plus for the Bluetooth headset. All headsets made by Bluetooth are made of quality materials and tested for quality production. This means you will always get your money's worth from this brand, and come back for more.

3. Variety Variety is a huge factor of importance when it comes to a headset. Bluetooth headsets give you the variety to choose from that you won't be able to find in any other brand. With so many models to choose from, you may have a hard time making up your mind. Especially if you take into consideration the wireless headsets that are readily available as well.

4. Styles Bluetooth headsets have many different styles available. They are known for the over the head style, the over the ear style, as well as the style that wraps around your ear. Finding the style that suits you may be hard at first, be sure you go with one that is comfortable. Comfort can play a big factor in the headset department.

Bluetooth headsets are affordable, of high quality, have a great variety, and several styles to choose from. Finding one that you like will not be a problem, the problem will be choosing which one to buy.


A Guide to Purchase a Digital Camera

by: Roberto Sedycias
Photographic camera became a desired consumer item since it became handheld many years ago. As it became digital with no need for film processing, digital camera became even more popular and it is now considered one of the most wanted optical/electronic consumer products.

However buying a digital camera may be a bit difficult due to the many brands and models being offered. After all there are so many features, one has to be sure of his needs in picking the right digital camera. The following tips might of some help:

1 - Price range: It is recommended that you establish a price range you are willing to pay for your new digital camera. Prices can start from bellow a hundred up to thousands of dollars.

2 - Features: Within the price range previously established, check the features available in digital cameras. Make sure it will meet your requirements for your personal or professional goals. You may find features such as zoom, automatic functions, special effects, black & white images, video recording capability and others.

3 - Battery life: Depending upon the places you go, charging the camera`s battery may not be possible. So make sure the battery life will last long enough during your outdoor activities. Also it may be a good idea to have some extra rechargeable batteries, so that that you won`t have to stop using the camera, while the original batteries are being charged.

4 - Memory Storage: Digital photographs are stored in the camera`s memory. Most cameras have built in memory, but it will accept memory card as well, to increase its storage capability. Depending upon the picture resolution, a user can take hundreds of shots, before it exceeds the memory storage.

5 - Image Resolution: Also known as pixel resolution, this is one of the most talked about features in digital cameras. Although 2.0 mega pixels will deliver good photos for any personal and emailing purposes, nowadays digital cameras with 8.0 and above mega pixels (million of pixels) have become a standard feature. The higher the mega pixel resolution, the better it will look the pictures in larger prints. For those thinking about image enlargement, high mega pixel resolution is a must.

6 - Lens: Beware that the zoom feature may be of two kinds: optical and digital. Optical zoom relies on the lens magnification and delivers a good, sharp and clear image. On the other hand, digital zoom is the magnifying of the digital image and produces a less sharp, grainy image. So make sure that the digital camera offers some optical zoom capability. Also look for lens auto focus and image stabilization features.

7 - LCD: LCD screen is a standard feature in every digital camera, and it works for framing the shot beforehand and viewing it afterwards. Look for LCD screen size 2 inches and above for better clear images.

8 - Online Stores: Whenever looking for the best deals in digital cameras, take a look at some trusted internet stores. Since prices are posted in web sites, people may find very easy to compare them, and get the best deals. Also take a look at some auction sites, for new and used digital cameras.

Digital camera has definitely become a very popular consumer product. The easy of taking shots and emailing to friends have really made this item an absolute must-have kind of product. I guess one could say that people found in digital cameras the perfect tool to preserve special moments by sharing digital photos with loved ones, around this ever growing wide web world.


Biometric Time Clocks

by: Elaine Ester
In the fast-paced business environment where competition is stiff, companies need to protect themselves from espionage and piracy. Security begins with limiting access to company grounds and offices. Even employees can be granted only limited access to highly confidential documents and restricted areas. The latest models of biometric time clocks feature that capability, aside from just keeping time.

The biometric time timer is the electronic style of a time card clouting routine to screen attendance. It has also intensely enhanced on the authenticity of time account by with soul body part line as identification lettering for workers, making it impossible for workers to cheat as they can with time cards or swiping routines.

Models of biometric time timer’s scale from retina, palm, and feel scanners. The technology factory by meeting the aura scanned, for example the feel print, with the numbers stored in its recall. If the two auras meet, it allows and account the period of admission and exit. Fingerprints and retinas are impossible to hearth. A worker cannot clout in for another or use another's access rights.

As the expedient is also programmable Science Articles, it can keep path of attendance very well for companies that attempt compliant time schedules. It can be made to reckon overtime and festival hours worked per worker. This is definitely good rumor for those in the payroll entity. They wouldn't have to expend hours computing compensation every time payday nears. What's more important is that it eliminates soul blunder it lessens the odds of having worker complaint news or tiresome readjusting of wage and place computations. The expedient keeps its own account that can be downloaded frankly into a payroll routine. Attendance news can clearly be written. Monitoring of worker transfer inside the offices can be facilitated. This makes biometric time timers the right expedient for nowadays business centers.


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